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The Social Ambition

    The businesses we knew nearly two years ago have all changed and we’ve been left wondering if they will ever go back to how they once were. Some sadly have not survived the pandemic and for those that have it is likely to have been a hard slog.

    Brand Culture reassuringly has weathered the storm of not just the impact of COVID-19 but also a personally tumultuous year. We cannot thank our very loyal and patient clients enough for their support.

    So you might have noticed that Brand Culture has been a little absent on social media recently. I have to admit… the combination of running a business and holding down the fort at home has been a lot more challenging than anticipated! Unfortunately, it meant that we had to have a little social hiatus.

    Even as an advocate of the importance of consistent social media messaging it was one of the first things that we scaled back on. Client work became the priority… and always will be. Our rule of thumb with social posting is that it really needs to be a regular activity. Posting every now and then will remind followers that you are still there but won’t have the same impact or help to achieve social targets.

    Social media for many businesses has provided a much needed lifeline, essentially delivering ‘free’ promotion and access to untapped audiences, whilst also allowing them to remain engaged with existing customer bases. Social platforms have championed business stories, casting spotlights on business heroes and business survivors.  

    Despite a very successful year for Brand Culture, which far exceeded our expectations, we have to wonder if we had remained committed to our own social strategy if we could have done even better. It is without question that we would have a wider web presence, which would have helped us expand our reach and most likely won us even more business.